Funny (To Me) Writing
I haven't written anything stupid here, at this point in the page. Well, that's debatable. This is stupid. Try going away and coming back. No, I'm kidding. Please, stick around and enjoy yourself.
Below is a collection of things I've written or rewritten. I feel like I have a knack for rewriting serious stuff into completely ridiculous stuff. I read through a document or a job posting or an instruction manual and I let my brain just do the old stream-of-consciousness thing. Take a look if you have time to waste...
"Andifying" Job Posts
I work for a fantastic company called meltmedia. They're a rock-solid group of developers, designers and business people who build amazing web sites, mobile applications and enterprise class software. What's even nuttier about meltmedia is that they let ME rewrite their job posts in my silly random banter that I hear up in my head up there.
Andified Instruction Manuals Etc.
Sometimes I feel the urge to take an instruction manual or technical document and make it less stuffy, more, um, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants or something.
I sketch occasionally. Maybe, "sketch" is the appropriate word. More like cartoon-ish scribbling? Anyhoo... If I remember to save them off my iPad or scan them from my various sketch books and notebooks, I'll keep them here.